Did you get 10-20 stars? Well done, you've made a good start at being employable. Think about how you can improve some areas? Get advice from your teacher or advisor on how to improve may be just one area for now and action plan some other areas later. Check now, did you give good examples for each area? May be you forgot something you've done recently, that might change how you rated yourself.
Did you get 21-35 stars? Well done. You are on your way to being employable. Can you see 2 or areas you could improve on?
Did you get 35 - 50 stars? Wow, impressive oryou need to check your honesty score! Ask someone to look at your star ratings.Can you improve on just 1 area? or there areas you may have overscored and need to assess again?
How does your values relate the potential job you might want to do in the future? Is it a job that requires leadership? Do you need to improve here. What about being a team player?