#InLimboMessages - Submit your Message here
Nobody anticipated a pandemic outbreak like this, nobody knew that our strength and our achievements could be valuable for other causes in the future. But here we are. Our hearts and our spirits need to come closer together than ever. We need each other and can give each other strength. And it is exactly this strength that we need to keep passing on to others. So we want to encourage you to reach out to one another by writing messages of support.The #InLimboMessages will be your voices of support and encouragement to each other. We will share precautions you took to ensure the most vulnerable are safe. We will publish your stories of kindness, solidarity and consideration towards others. We also want to hear from the people working in the health sector. Doctors. Carers. Nurses.Paramedics.We want to hear about acts of kindness in your neighbourhood and appreciation for the NHS staff. Tell us about the different ways you are coping and how you are keeping your spirits up over things you have no control over and what you are doing about the things you do have control over. MentalHealth is an important issue during this trying time – also for our physical health.So we can be medicine for each other by being there for each other.Let us spread kindness, love, hope and solidarity to the world
Name (for internal use only)
First Name
Last Name (optional)
Email (for internal use only- so we can notify you when your voice is online)
First name to be used in your #InLimboMessage
Country of residence
Year of arrival in country of residence
Would you like to have a picture included with your #InLimboMessage? Please only upload pictures that relate to your "Message", belong to you and do not violate copyright law
Browse Files
Additional Information to be added to your name, age and nationality (optional)
I hereby give consent to the In Limbo Project to publish my message on
Twitter- @InLimboBrexit
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/inlimboproject
Instagram - inlimbobrexit
Website/Blog -https://www.inlimboproject.org/blog/
Book -https://www.inlimboproject.org/about//
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