Application request
ONLY for completion by referring organisations
Applicant's name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number (Optional)
Area Code
Phone Number
Spouse /Partner's name
First Name
Last Name
Children's names & ages
Earnings per week excluding benefits
Benefits received
Benefits total £ per week
Outstanding debts.
Sponsoring organisation
Organisation Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Organiser's name
First Name
Last Name
Organiser's email
Organiser's Reference
Organisation phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Contact phone for any queries
Area Code
Phone Number
General background report on need -keep it short but give us enough!
If you are applying for food please can you let us know why you aren’t applying to use the food bank?
Please Note:
We are unable to help with: rent or mortgage payments, catalogue and credit card debts, loan or court costs and fines. ONLY ONE GRANT APPLICATION REQUEST PER 12 MONTHS
Please specify approximate cost of item or grant required (do be specific if you can!):
To whom cheque(s) should be made payable:
Have you considered whether the Cambridgeshire Local Assistance Scheme can make a grant? (see website link, especially for white goods)
Have you applied to any other Charities, and if so, which?
Applicant’s ethnicity?
Please Select
White ( British or Irish or East European or Travellers or Other)
Mixed ( Black Caribbean and White, or Black African and White, or Asian and White or Other)
Asian or Asian British (Indian or Pakistani or Bangladeshi or Other).
Black or Black British (Caribbean or African or Other).
Chinese or any other.
Prefer not to say.
Should be Empty: