I adhere to the Petition made to the European Parliament by Terra SOS-tenible, Skyguards and Alternativa, in the terms exposed in their document presented to the European Parliament on 13th May 2013, against,
The violation of fundamental rights of European citizens as set out in the Treaties, such as the right to health, the right to security, and the right to integrity, as well as the right to be informed. This petition also concerns environmental matters and consumer protection.
The basis for this petition has been outlined in paragraphs one trough seven of the Grounds section, and in points one through five of the Legal grounds.
I demand that this petition (and the annexed documents), be admitted and, given the seriousness of the facts reported, that the Committee on Petitions grant the demands submitted by Skyguards in the Conference summary. And HAVING REGARD that weather modification programs / geoengineering are an accomplished fact in Europe, I join the appeal to the European Parliament for a thorough investigation to be made at all levels, including analysis of soil, water, air, flora, fauna, persons and animals, by independent experts, for the purpose of compiling evidence for legal action against those responsible for these actions against public health and security, and those aiding and abetting them.