The following passport information is required for all applicants who require a visa to travel to Greece. If you are unsure whether or not you require a visa, check here.
Please note that if you do not require a visa and are accepted to the program, you will still be required to submit some form of official identification before the start of the program (several events require ID information in advance). Therefore, even if you don’t require a visa, we recommend that you enter your passport information below.
If you DO require a visa to travel to Greece, please make sure that your passport will NOT expire before the end of the program. If you are in the process of applying for your first passport or renewing a passport that has expired or will expire before the end of the program, answer the first and second questions below and leave the rest of the section blank. If you are accepted to the program, it is your responsibility to submit your passport information to the program director as soon as possible, and no later than the 1st June due to the Schengen process.