The following questions help you to think about what you want for your site. There's no right answer. Attempting to answer each question is the best way to get a site that works for you.
Website Goal
It's important to think about what you want to accomplish with your website. Websites often try to do too much and end up with far too much information on them often confusing the visitor. Try to think of the most important goal that you want to accomplish. Focus on this and we can discuss how you might accomplish secondary goals.
Let's start thinking about your competitors and the sites that you like.
Think about sections for your website. Get the basics first. Does it help with your main goal?
Assume that you will have a 'Contact Us' section. Choose 3 more. Typically these are: About Us, Product/Services, Information/Gallery/News or Blog. List the main points for each section. Do not spend too much time on it. Our first thought is often the best.
Next Steps
If you would like a free consultation or need a quotation, please let me know below. Also provide additional information on what you want to achieve, timeframes or what you are looking for.
Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! Answering the questions on this form helps hugely. It makes the difference from just getting a new site and one that makes you happy. You're off to a good start! Teri