Terms & Conditions
I hereby declare that I will use any system to which I am granted access by the Rugby Football League, together with the data contained within such system, for the intended purpose (i.e the administration and regulation of the sport of Rugby Football League only). I will not use the communicator tool for any purpose other than the administration and regulation of the sport of Rugby League. I will not allow my access details to be used by any other individual or entity or allow any data to be accessed by or provided to any third parties. I will report any such incidents immediately to the Rugby Football League. I will abide by the Standard User Terms (where applicable) of the system provider, GameDay https://mygameday.app/privacy-policy/ and https://mygameday.app/privacy-policy/. I acknowledge that I am bound by the requirements of the Data Protection Act and/or the General Data Protection Regulations and confirm that I will report any incidents where I believe there to be a breach of such obligations, including where I believe the data to which I am granted access has been accessed by or provided to any third party. I confirm I indemnify the Rugby Football League against any fines or damages incurred due to my actions.
You accept that by entering the contact details of volunteers linked to the Club and confirming these can be accessed via the Rugby-League.com website, these details will then be in the public domain and will include the following NAME, PHONE, EMAIL. Accordingly, you must seek specific consent from that individual for these details to be publicly displayed and notified them that the RFL can contact them about operational matters including surveys. Where this consent is not obtained, you confirm that you will indemnify the RFL against any fines or damages incurred as a result of this action. You confirm that, if requested, you will remove or update any details immediately, including removing the ability for these details to be viewed publicly through the RFL website.
In submitting this form, Trusted Officials acknowledge they have read and understood the above declaration and abide by its requirements and obligations.