The board regularly reviews which matters are reserved to the board and which can be delegated. It collectively exercises the powers of delegation to senior managers, committees or individual trustees, staff or volunteers. The board describes its ‘delegations’ framework in a document which provides sufficient detail and clear boundaries so that the delegations can be clearly understood and carried out. Systems are in place to monitor and oversee how delegations are exercised. The board makes sure that its committees have suitable terms of reference and membership and that:
-the terms of reference are reviewed regularly
-the committee membership is refreshed regularly and does not rely too much on particular people.
Where a charity uses third party suppliers or services – for example for fundraising, data management or other purposes – the board assures itself that this work is carried out in the interests of the charity and in line with its values and the agreement between the charity and supplier. The board makes sure that such agreements are regularly reviewed so that they remain appropriate. The board regularly reviews the charity’s key policies and procedures to ensure that they continue to support, and are adequate for, the delivery of the charity’s aims. This includes policies and procedures dealing with board strategies, functions and responsibilities, finances (including reserves), service or quality standards, good employment practices, and encouraging and using volunteers, as well as key areas of activity such as fundraising and data protection.