Fire Procedure
All staff must be familiar with the fire procedures as required by the The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
Fire procedures are posted throughout the University and can be found on exit routes normally adjacent to fire alarm call points and lecture theatres.
All staff must ensure that they are familiar with the alternative means of escape in case of fire by walking the routes from the area in which they are employed.
Staff should get to know their assembly points which are indicated in the fire procedure for the building. Assembly points can be seen on the University interactive campus map.
If you have to evacuate the premises:
- DO exit quickly and calmly
- DO go directly to open air and report to the designated assembly point
- DO NOT enter an adjacent building unless directed by the Fire Safety Co-ordinator/Fire Marshal
- DO NOT stop to collect bags
- DO close the door behind you
- DO NOT use lifts
Any staff not at their usual place of work on hearing the evacuation signal, must leave the building following the fire evacuation route signage, and go to the designated assembly point. On no account must they return to their own department.
The fire alarm call points can be found on corridors and adjacent to final exit doors.
Portable fire extinguishers are sited in ‘high risk’ areas and at regular intervals on corridors/exit routes.
In large buildings Fire Marshals/Wardens are utilised. Any instructions they give to staff must be complied with as they are exercising their duties outlined in the University Health and Safety Policy.