Dear, {name}
Please check the information that you filled in carefully. If everything is correct you can sign the form, if not please go back and correct the information.
Name: {name}
Phone Number: {phone}
Email address: {email}
Address: {address[1]}
Birthday: {birthday}
School: {education[1]}
Course: {education[2]}
Sailing experience: {sailingExperience}
Language: {language}
Have a SSCE subscription: {doYou}
Intrested in: {committies}
Member type: {type}
Old board member: {oldboardmember}
Skipper: {skipper}
Bank account: {bankAccount}
agreed to: {yearlyContribution}
agreed to: {membershipDuration}
agreed to: {privacyPolicy13}
Comments: {anyFurther}