The group is friendly and pretty informal with an active on-line Forum discussing all sorts of ST stuff. We also have the occasional gathering, both with and without boat and all Swift Trawler owners with an association with the UK are invited to join.
The Group was founded in 2012 by Di Herbert. Clive Perry is the group's leader, Mair Sowood is the Membership Secretary, Steve Hill looks after the Forum and IT and Dirk Dupré is the Swift Trawler Technical Co-ordinator. These individuals make up the committee of five. Although there are no ongoing membership fees other than chipping in at any gathering, we will ask for a one-off £20 contribution towards the upkeep of our on-line forum upon joining.
If you'd like to join, please fill out the form below and press 'Submit Form'. Once approved, we'll let you know, then provide you with details of how to access our online portal, the Swifter's Forum.
Happy boating!