Thank you for signing up to work as a Mindful Emotion Coaching Wellness Coach with West Somerset schools. You should have access to the latest Mindful Emotion Coaching and ACE Awareness (MACE) power-points and Facilitator Manual within the Wellness Coaches section of our Groupsite.
You will normally be given the opportunity to work for batches of four half days in a school setting and this will normally be after the school staff INSET on Emotion Literacy. At the moment we are only offering this option to First Schools and Early Years settings. I would like you to talk with the school and work out together what works best understanding that we are working with a cultural shift toward valuing human relationships and connectedness in supporting normal brain and body development. This coaching role does NOT include one to one sessions with children but could include coaching parent/ carers and their children together. There is no obligation to use the sessions I have put together BUT you must reference our online resources and please make sure you are familiar with our current Facilitator pack. It may be that the school would like you to mingle with staff and parents and talk about The Hand Model. I would suggest maybe spending time in the coffee room, go out into the playground at break time with the play supervisors, chat to the admin team about Dan Siegel. If the school ask for TIK or TINT sessions please suggest they are run first with staff to embed learning within the school and then with parents.
Children (and their families) who fail the Early Years PSED assessment- in my mind I am thinking that Reception Staff could be skilled up in ACE awareness and Mindful Emotion Coaching and use these approaches during the pre reception home visit.
After each half day I need you to come back to this form and let me know what you have been doing. This is because the commissioners will need to know that our funding has been used wisely.
Please encourage local network development by suggesting that learners include MACE awareness within existing meetings eg federation / MAT meetings.
Learners move at differing paces through the phases of AWARENESS and APPLICATION into ADAPTATION of our resources. Please encourage learners to develop their own resources and support them in maintaining fidelity with scientific research (Shonkoff, Siegel, Gottman, Eagleman). The simplest way to do this is to reference .They MUST reference researchers and they MUST understand that they need copyright permission for images they use (in other words please emphasise that they cant just download images from the internet).
Dunster - Louise Collins , St Michaels Janine Donovan and the two Dulverton Stephanie Howard schools are HUB schools.
Contacts at host schools are : Danesfield Dan Hartley , Old Cleeve Marie Baker, West Somerset Zoe Stucki .
Coaching - REMEMBER the key outcome is that ALL staff are able to use the hand model and know who Dan Siegel is. The next is that they start using mindful exercises and the third is John Gottmans work.