By completing this form, you have agreed to act as Guarantor for the tenant named within this form.
Your referencing will be completed by either; Rent Residential Limited, or another referencing company acting on behalf of Rent Residential Limited. You will be informed of this upon submission of your application.
The referencing stage of your application means the following referencing will need to be obtained:
· Right to rent check
· Credit check
· Affordability check
· Proof of ownerhsip will be required if you are a homeowner
For your references to be obtained, Rent Residential may need to share your information with the appropriate credit referencing company dealing with your application in order for the necessary checks to be verified.
I give permission for Rent Residential to complete the referencing stage of my application. Rent Residential will contact my referees on behalf of the owner to obtain a reference
I am happy for Rent Residential, or an alternative referencing company to contact my referees using the information submitted on my application to allow them to complete the verification checks required to complete the referencing on my application.