Holyrood Rebel Camp - Activist Form
Hello and welcome fellow rebels. To ensure we plan an inclusive, fun and successfully disruptive occupation and that we keep everyone as safe as possible it is very valuable for us to know how many people are coming, and what role they are willing and able to take in this action. Please rest assured that your data will be stored securely and destroyed as soon as the action is over.
First Name
Last Name
The success of this action will require people taking on diverse roles, which of these roles would you be interested in doing?
Legal Observer
Wellbeing support and/or Arrestee support
First Aider
Regular Activist
Media/Social Media
Sound technician/stage manager
Kitchen support
Facility support crew
Outreach (eg. flyering / inductions / engaging with public etc)
Do you feel experienced enough to take on additional coordinating responsibilities on the day? eg. coordinating a group of legal observers. -- If so, which role?
Do you need accommodation in Edinburgh?
Sun 16th
Mon 17th
Tues 18th
Wed 19th
Thur 20th
Do you have any skills/activities/workshops that you would like to offer during the camp?
When are you planning to arrive to the camp?
If you are available would you be willing to help us setting up the camp on Sun 16th?
Are you already part of an affinity group? If yes, what's your affinity group's name?
If you would like to take part in any Non-violent Direct Action (NVDA) we strongly recommend you to start forming an affinity group with someone you know already. If you are coming to our Holyrood Rebel Camp on your own or if your affinity group needs more members we will facilitate the formation of affinity groups on Wed the 12th at this workshop: https://www.facebook.com/events/448926145919221/ . If you can't make it to the workshop we will help you to find an affintity group at the camp.
High -- I am prepared to take action that runs a high risk of arrest
Medium -- I may take action that runs a risk of arrest depending on circumstances
Low -- I prefer to avoid any risk of arrest
The following information only needs to be shared if you are running a risk of arrest and would like the XR legal team to have your information to facilitate the process of your arrest.
Preferred name in case of arrest
Note: You are strongly advised to give your real name if arrested
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Preferred contact in case of arrest (name, relation to you, phone number)
Do you have any relevant ongoing legal issues?
Should be Empty: