End of Course Evaluation Family Learning
We hope you enjoyed your course/workshop. We would appreciate it if you would complete this form so we can know what has worked well and where we can improve.
Your Name
Course Title
Course Code:
Please read the statement and tick the box that is closest to how you feel
excellent / a lot
very good
/ quite a lot
good / some
OK / a little
disappointing / not at all
don’t know
Did you enjoy this course/workshop?
Have you learnt something useful?
Have you learnt some new skills / activities to use with your child at home?
How much did the tutor help you?
Did the tutor use technology / tell you about useful websites?
Did the tutor tell you how to find out about other courses and opportunities?
How safe do you feel in your learning environment?
Did the course/workshop help you to: (please tick all that apply)
Meet / chat to other parents
Improve your English/communication skills
Improve your maths skills
Want to do more courses/groups
Know more about how to look for a job
Help me feel good about myself
Become more confident about the topics discussed
Do you have any other comments/suggestions about the course?
What would you like to do next?
Another Course
Get a Job
Please give details:
Would you like to be contacted by the advice and guidance service to discuss further
Telephone Number:
Should be Empty: