Thank you for applying to the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists for validation of your course and the awarding of Continuing Perfusion Education (CPE) points. In this pack you will find an application form to be completed and returned to the College at least 2 months prior to the date of the course. There is also a copy of the College feedback form, which we require you to hand to each delegate. If you have any specific items you would like included on this form, there is the capability for small alterations.
The College considers courses, seminars and meetings etc for CPE points that:
1. Improve the quality of work of perfusionists.
2. Are relevant to the work of perfusionists, either in a current role or a planned future role.
3. Help perfusionists to maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure that they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice.
4. Help perfusionists to continue to learn and develop their skills and knowledge, and to remain up-to-date.
5. Help perfusionists to benefit service users.
In order for the College to receive feedback on any course it validates, all completed feedback forms (or copies of them) MUST be sent to the College. Additionally the course organiser will send the College a list of Perfusionist attendees.
The course organiser should issue certificates of attendance - showing the awarded CPE points - to all delegates who fully attended the course and completed a feedback form. Courses are assessed on an individual basis, but the standard points allocation is as follows:
▪ Half-day event – 2 CPE points
▪ 1-day event – 4 CPE points
▪ Event of 2 days or more – 8 CPE points
There is an administration fee of £100.00 * for any course being validated and this validation will be active for a 2-year period providing the course content does not change. After the course has been running for 2 years or a change in content occurs, the course must be re-submitted for re-validation. This is to allow the College to maintain the standard of courses it validates.
Should the feedback forms indicate a problem with a particular area of the course, the College will contact the course organiser to discuss the areas of concern, and time will be given to resolve the problem. Failure to resolve the problem in the time allotted will result in the course losing its validation. Those Perfusionists already in receipt of points from the course will stand; however, no further points will be awarded. A large number of complaints about a number of areas of a course will result in the immediate revocation of a course's validation.
Should you wish to advertise your course please contact the College’s administrator, tel: 020 7869 6891, for inclusion in the Perfusionist and on the Website (
Cheques should be made payable to the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists.
Alternatively, payment can be made by credit/debit card.

The College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland