Teachers will:
• Have a sincere intention to teach for the pleasure of Allah
• Begin lessons promptly
• Establish a purposeful and positive atmosphere
• Tell the students what they are going to learn and what they should achieve
• Give children innovative methods of learning
• Have high expectations of all students
• Be firm but fair to all students
• Follow the disciplinary procedure
• Set homework that is relevant to the student’s development
• Review work with the students on a regular basis to assess development
• Provide student with guidance on what work needs to be done if any student is absent
Students will
• Have a sincere intention to learn for the pleasure of Allah
• Arrive on time and be prepared to learn
• Bring the correct material to classes
• Listen carefully to the teachers and teaching assistants
• Respect and listen to the teacher and other students
• Participate in all class activities, even if they appear difficult
• Dress appropriately in a manner befitting someone studying the Islamic disciplines
• Co-operate with each other at all times
• Try their best to work hard and take pride in their work
• Complete all homework and hand it in on time
• Catch up on what they have missed if they were absent
Parents/guardians will
• Monitor their child’s progress and learning at the Ribat Institute
• Assist and encourage their child in implementing what they have learnt in classes
• Facilitate an environment at home conducive to what their child has learnt
• Inform the Institute if their child will not be able to attend, and give reason why
• Respect the policies and disciplinary procedure of the Institute
• Make sure that their child is completing all homework