Monthly Fees
1. All fees are to be paid in advance of lessons via standing order between the 1st – 3rd of each calendar month. The fees are pro-rata to 48 weeks to the year. We have a two-week break over Christmas and another two-week break at the end of summer.
2. Monthly Fees are:
a. 1 session a week is £28 a month.
b. 2 or more sessions a week is £38 a month.
c. There is a sibling discount of £5 per additional child.
d. There is a Military Discount of £3.00 for each child that has a Serving MOD parent or Guardian.
e. Only 1 type of discount may be applied at any one time.
3. Your first payment will be calculated dependant on what week of the month you register this will be calculated by how many weeks are remaining in that particular month minus your 1-week free trial.
4. An initial payment will be due on or before the second full week of sessions commencing.
5. Payments will then be made monthly via Standing order between the 1st – 3rd of every calendar month.
6. Failure to pay may incur a Service Charge of £5 for the first month of non-payment, and £10 for any following months that the payment owed is not paid.
7. Should you refuse to pay within one month then you forfeit the students right to participate in training and the student will unfortunately not be allowed to train with us until all payments and fees have been paid.
8. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I hereby agree that Evolve MA has the right to refuse service to those who are not up to date with payments, as well as for those who continually make late payments.