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Our research team - called RITEAM (see - proposes to structure and develop mathematics education studies regarding MLD (Mathematical Learning Disabilities or Difficulties) in order to improve the identification and the remediation of MLD in an educational context.
Following the discussions that occurred in the Working Groups of PME 42 and 43*, we elaborated a survey in order to compare educative practices about MLD in different countries.
There are three surveys intended for researchers and teacher trainers, concerning primary school, secondary school and special education. You can choose to answer the questionnaires in your areas. Each survey is composed of three subjects: teacher training, resources available for teachers, links between medical or paramedical practitioners and teachers in student monitoring.
There may be questions which you are not able to answer, in this case skip to the next one.
Before starting, it is important to understand what we are referring to when we talk about students with MLD.
We consider students with MLD as having specific or persistent difficulties in mathematics, despite adequate schooling. These students have special needs, but we are not taking into account students with disability (autistic, deaf, blind, etc.).
Thank you for your participation!
*Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.