Airline Caterers Liability Proposal Form
Proposer Details
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Location of premises where work is carried out:
Operational Details
Which Airports does the Insured operate at:
Largest aircraft using the airports where Insured working:
Number of employees:
Number and type of vehicles:
Names of carriers to whom Insured provides a catering service:
Types of aircraft in respect of which services are provided:
Please provide details of the following for the past 12 months and estimates or the next 12 months:
Number of meals supplied per annum:
Number of flights serviced per annum:
Turnover per annum (US$ or currency equivalent):
Is IATA Ground Handling Agreement incorporating Article 8 [Liability and Indemnity] agreed with all carriers:
If not please provide breakdown of carriers where Article 8 is:
A) incorporated in contract with carrier – please provide an additional breakdown betweencontracts on ‘old’ article 8 basis and those on the new article 8.5 basis.
B) not incorporated
If Article 8 is not incorporated please advise wording of Liability andIndemnity clauses (if any) in contract.
If previously insured, give details of any paid and outstanding claims.If uninsured, give details of any payments made to claimants.
Should be Empty: