New Product Request
Your new product request will be submitted to committee for approval. The products should not be added until you recieve approval. Please provide as much information as possible to avoid delays. Please only complete this request when your products are ready for inclusion. Please allow at least a fortnight for new product requests to be considered.
First Name
Last Name
Your business name
Contact Tel Number
Please provide as much information as possible to allow us to consider your request.
Please give us full details of the product you would like to add, including how it meets the trading criteria.
Is your product request to be considered on a permenant, temporary (for a specific event) or seasonal basis
If you have any additional information you would like to add to support your request please include it here.
Please upload some example photos of the items you'd like to include (additions will not be considered without photographs)
Browse Files
I understand that new products should not be added to my line up until I receive written confirmation of approval.
Should be Empty: