Buying our products direct offers maximum savings, priority shipping and is quick, simple and secure.
Simply, provide your name and email address, then check the box/boxes below against the products you want to buy. We will total up the cost and send you a PayPal Payment Request and, when your payment has been received by us, your order will be processed and mailed to you within 24 hours.
There is no need to provide a delivery address. Goods will be shipped to the address supplied by PayPal. If you wish your item/items to be sent to an alternative address please include this as a note with your PayPal settlement. We do not ask for, or store, any bank, credit card or customer address details on our website and all transactions are fully protected and guaranteed by PayPal.
For convenience, orders for multiple products will be consolidated into a single shipment unless required to be sent to more than one destination. We will email you to let you know when your package is in the mailing system and on its way to you.
Prices include delivery - worldwide*
The bad news!
*Customers in the US and Canada will be charged £6.50 (GBP) extra to cover the cost of online tracking due to several lost packages in the past.
Sorry, but we have had to do this to get insurance against previous losses incurred due to problems in the N.American mail system and Customs issues.
The good news!
Orders received (including to N.America and Canada) over the value of £60 (GBP) will NOT have the extra charge added, as online tracking will be automatically included.
Local currency options
We are happy to bill you, and accept payment, in UK Pounds (GBP), Euros (€), US Dollars ($) and Swiss Francs (CHF).
The currency conversion rate will be the one prevaiing at the time of purchase. Please click the option below to select your preferred billing currency otherwise billing will be made by default in UK Pounds.