Click here for an e-book summary of how we developed the approach
2025 update on the physiological changes associated with early childhood trauma and adversity
Center on the Developing Child (CDC), Harvard University (USA)
Emotion Validation and Emotion Coaching in Early Years
- Royal College of Psychiatrists (2023) College Report CR238 – Infant and early childhood mental health: the case for action
Mindfulness and contemplation
Thriving with Uncertainty -Well‐Being Through Contemplative and Creative Mindfulness’ in The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness, Chapter 2, Siegel and Siegel, 2014 ISBN:9781118294895
- Practical Mindful Exercises from neuroscientist Professor Dan Siegel Wheel of Awareness
- Jon Kabat-Zinn speaking at the Mindful Healthcare Summit
- Journey to the Heart, Christian Contemplation- a journey into a deeper understanding of mindful activities and faith practices by Freeman, de Waal, Ware, Boulay, Luth ISBN 978-1-84825-108-3
- Headspace- summary of research into meditation
- Dan Siegel biography
- The Mindsight Approach to Childhood and Adolescence. more free resources are available on the Mindsight Institute website
- Daniel J. Siegel- The Whole Brain Child and accompanying Workbook - also No Drama Discipline if you like this approach
- Daniel J. Siegel Brainstorm - ‘The power and purpose of the teenage brain’
- Daniel J. Siegel Mind - ‘A journey to the heart of being human’ (part of Norton series on interpersonal neurobiology, 2016)
- Dan Siegel and Tina Payne - ‘The Power of Showing Up’ Scribe 2020
Attachment Theory
Maternal wellbeing and outcomes for children and young people
- Robakis, T.K., Roth, M.C., King, L.S. et al. Maternal attachment insecurity, maltreatment history, and depressive symptoms are associated with broad DNA methylation signatures in infants. Mol Psychiatry (2022).
Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma
- Tackling Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - State of the Art and Options for Action January 2023 Mark A. Bellis, Sara Wood, Karen Hughes, Zara Quigg and Nadia Butler ISBN 978-1-83766-064-3
- Summary and context provided by EHCAP
- Creative arts and digitial interventions as potential tools in prevention and recovery from the mental health consequences of adverse childhood experiences. Bhui, K., Shakoor, S., Mankee-Williams, A. et al. Nat Commun 13, 7870 (2022).
- Childhood trauma linked to adult neurologic disorders- Medscape Sept 2021 Andrew Garner, MD, PhD, clinical professor of pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio commented saying "The findings suggest early experiences may have become biologically embedded by altering brain structure and function. If this is so, many so-called 'adult-onset' diseases are actually 'adult-manifest' diseases with their origins in childhood.”
- Adversity in childhood is linked to mental and physical health throughout life published 28 October 2020 in the British Medical Journal BMJ2020;371:m3048
- UK Trauma Council - set up in 2020 this organisation provides valuable resources linking experienced trauma with mental health difficulties across the life span.
- NHS Scotand FREE online Trauma Informed Practice modules
- Anda and Felitti, 1998 .Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study American Journal Preventive Medicine May;14(4):245-58
- Michael D. De Bellis MD, MPH Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Director Healthy Childhood Brain Development and Developmental Traumatology Research Program Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Duke University Medical Center Box 104360, Durham NC and Abigail Zisk (2014).The biological effects of Childhood Trauma Child and adolescent psychiatry clinics of North America. Apr ; 23(2): 185-222 -
- Professor Mark Bellis et al (2017)The effects of multiple adverse childhood experiences on health , Lancet Public Health 2017;2:e356-66 Bellis is Public Health Wales lead working on the Early Action Together Project with Wales Policing Services
- Professor Mark Bellis et al. (2019)
Life course health consequences and associated annual costs of adverse childhood experiences across Europe and North America The Lancet
- Lemma, Davies, Ford, Hughes,Homolova,Gray, Richardson (2019) Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences- An evidence review of interventions to prevent and address adversity across the life course. Public Health Wales, Cardiff and Bangor University, Wrexham, ISBN 978-1-78986-035-1
- UK Parliament 2018, Commons Select Committee the current state of evidence relating adversity and trauma suffered in childhood to a range of problems in later life, as well as the effectiveness of measures that aim to prevent adverse childhood experiences or mitigate their linked negative outcomes
- NSPCC Vulnerable Adolescents Thematic Review - recommendations include: consider how awareness raising about the impact of adverse childhood experienced (ACEs) will be built upon to include professionals, families and the community
- Lippard and Nemeroff (2020) The devastating clinical consequences of child abuse and neglect: increased disease vulnerablity and poor treatment response in mood disorders Am J Psychiatry ; 177:20-36
Post traumatic stress and climate change
- David Wallis-Wells The Uninhabitable Earth ISBN 978-0-141-98887-0 Effects of rising temperatures, unbreathable air, dying oceans, lack of fresh water on human health and development in utero and childhood. Page 137 - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in adolescents as a result of climate trauma.
EHCAP Reports
- Accessible within Advanced e-learning modules
Young People
ERIC resources – helping young people to regulate their emotions and control impulsive behaviours. Kate Hall and Angela Simpson, Deakin University, Melbourne
BeyondNow suicide safety planning beyondblue
- Tuning in to Kids is an evidence-based parent support programme compatible with the Mindful Emotion Coaching approach. Written by the Tuning in to Kids team at the University of Melbourne, the manuals are full of references.
Havighurst, S. S. & Harley, A. E. (2007; 2010). Tuning in to Kids: Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Program Manual. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
Havighurst, S. S., Harley, A. E., Kehoe, C. (2019). Tuning in to Teens: Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Program Manual. 2nd Edition. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
- John Lambie of Anglia Ruskin University has extensivley researched emotion validation and created a practical set of actionable resources for 0-3 year olds titled ' My First Emotions' available from SkyLark Learning
Resilience Framework